Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor made a dazzling appearance at the prestigious Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Known for her impeccable style, Shraddha turned heads with a stunning ensemble by renowned Indian designer duo Falguni Shane Peacock.
The actress opted for a breathtaking gown from their Rang Mahal couture collection. The multi-colored creation featured a strapless design, a deep neckline, and a mermaid silhouette with a long train. The gown was adorned with intricate floral-inspired embellishments and shimmering diamantes, adding a touch of regal elegance. Shraddha completed her look with minimal accessories, allowing the gown to take center stage.
The highlight of the evening was Shraddha’s encounter with Hollywood actor Andrew Garfield. The duo posed together on the red carpet, captivating the attention of fans and media alike. Their picture quickly went viral, sparking excitement and curiosity among their followers.
Shraddha’s appearance at the Red Sea Film Festival not only showcased her impeccable fashion sense but also her growing international recognition. Her stunning gown and captivating presence left a lasting impression on the audience and solidified her position as a style icon.