“I Want To Talk” is a heartwarming drama that explores the bond between a father and daughter. The film has been praised for its performances, particularly by Abhishek Bachchan, who delivers a career-best performance. However, the film has failed to connect with the audience, resulting in poor box office numbers.
A Niche Audience
The film’s target audience is likely to be limited to those who are interested in serious dramas. This, coupled with the lack of promotion, has resulted in low awareness of the film.
A Disappointing Debut
This is the first time that Abhishek Bachchan has starred in a film directed by Shoojit Sircar. The duo had high hopes for the film, but it has failed to live up to expectations.
A Lesson for the Industry
The failure of “I Want To Talk” is a lesson for the film industry. It is important to promote films effectively, especially those that are not mainstream.
A Hope for the Future
Despite the disappointing box office performance, “I Want To Talk” is a well-made film that deserves to be seen. It is hoped that the film will find an audience on OTT platforms.
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Additional Information
- The film was released on November 22, 2024.
- The film has been directed by Shoojit Sircar.
- The film also stars Ahilya Bamroo, Tom McLaren, Janet Carter, Kristin Goddard, Joe Russell, and Caprice Ott.
- The film is produced by Rising Sun Films and Kino Works.
- The film has a runtime of 132 minutes.
- The film has been rated U/A by the Central Board of Film Certification.
“I Want To Talk” is a well-made film that deserves to be seen. However, it has failed to connect with the audience, resulting in poor box office numbers. It is hoped that the film will find an audience on OTT platforms