National Serum Institute is planning to establish its 1st plant in AfricaBy Rahul Kaushik24 May 20220 National 2 Mins Read Serum Institute : The world’s biggest vaccine maker, the Serum Institute of India (SII), is considering setting up its first…
National Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute, released a statement on vaccination in IndiaBy Rahul Kaushik20 May 20210 National 3 Mins Read New Delhi: Plasma Research headquarters of India’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Adar Poonawalla. It was founded in 1966 by…
National India’s Wait On Corona Vaccine Ends, Serum Institute And Bharat Biotech Vaccine ApprovedBy GrowJust Desk3 January 20210 National 2 Mins Read Bharat Biotech has successfully registered 23,000 participants, moving towards achieving the target of involving 26,000 participants for the Phase III…