Author: Rahul Kaushik

I'm Rahul Kaushik, news writer at GrowJust India. I love to write National, International and Business news. You may reach me at

New Delhi, Tuesday, May 21, 2024: Tragedy Strikes Pune Earlier this week, a terrible accident happened in Pune, Maharashtra. A speeding Porsche car, driven by a 17-year-old boy, crashed into a motorcycle. The two people on the bike, Anis Awadhiya and Ashwini Costa, sadly lost their lives. CCTV Captures the Crash Security cameras captured the accident on video. The footage shows the Porsche going much faster than the speed limit on a narrow road. The impact of the crash was very strong, throwing both riders from the motorcycle. Outrage and Arrest People in Pune were very angry about the accident.…

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Have you ever seen grown-ups reaching for a fancy bottle of water instead of the regular one at home? That special water, often with a unique taste, is called mineral water! But what makes it different from the water you drink every day? Imagine rain falling on mountains and slowly soaking through rocks for many years. As this water travels underground, it picks up tiny bits of minerals, like calcium, magnesium, and even a little fizz sometimes! This special underground journey creates what we call mineral water. Just like adding spices changes the taste of your food, the minerals in…

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Get ready for an unforgettable journey! The majestic Kedarnath Temple, nestled in the mighty Himalayas, opened its doors for pilgrims on May 10th, 2024. This marks the beginning of the holy Char Dham Yatra, a pilgrimage revered by Hindus across the globe. Where is Kedarnath Temple?  The Kedarnath Temple is nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Reaching Kedarnath is an adventure in itself. The nearest roadhead lies 16 kilometers away at Gaurikund, making the remaining journey a trek through picturesque landscapes. This pilgrimage route offers stunning vistas of the Himalayas, gushing rivers, and quaint villages,…

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Did you know some grown-ups in Japan get married in a special way? It’s not like marrying someone you love, it’s more like marrying your best friend! Imagine This: You and your best friend are the coolest team ever! You share toys, play games, and have sleepovers. In a friendship marriage, two grown-up friends decide to be best friends forever, just like you and your best friend! Why Be Best Friend Buddies Forever? In Japan, working hard can be tiring. Some grown-ups might just want a reliable friend by their side, someone to share fun times and help with chores.…

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Bengaluru: Imagine a superhero, but instead of a cape, it has wings. That’s kind of what the FWD-200B drone is like for India. Unveiled just yesterday in Bengaluru, this whiz-bang machine is being hailed as a game-changer in the world of drones. So, what exactly is the FWD-200B? Think of a remote-controlled airplane, but much cooler and way more advanced. The FWD-200B is a type of drone called a MALE UAV, which stands for Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. That means it can fly for a long time (up to 20 hours!) at medium heights (around 3 kilometers up in…

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Meerut, a vibrant city in Uttar Pradesh, India, is constantly buzzing with activity. From its rich history to its booming industries, there’s always something new happening in this dynamic place. Let’s delve into what’s making headlines in Meerut today! Meerut Business Boom Meerut is a major industrial hub, and things are on the upswing! The recent inauguration of a 17-kilometer stretch of the Delhi-Meerut Rapid Rail Corridor (RRTS) has brought a wave of excitement. This high-speed connection is expected to boost business opportunities by improving connectivity and reducing travel time. Imagine zipping between Delhi and Meerut in just minutes! This…

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मुजफ्फरनगर: हिन्दू धर्म में, कथा व्यास एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। वे धार्मिक ग्रंथों और कहानियों को जन-मानस तक पहुँचाने का काम करते हैं, जिससे लोगों में आध्यात्मिक जागृति और सद्‌ज्ञान का प्रसार होता है। कथा व्यास समाज में एक महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी का काम करते हैं। वे जटिल धार्मिक ग्रंथों को सरल बनाकर उनकी शिक्षाओं को आम जनता तक पहुँचाते हैं। कथा वाचन के माध्यम से वे लोगों में भक्ति भाव जगाते हैं, जीवन जीने की कला सिखाते हैं, और धर्म के सच्चे मार्ग पर चलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं। आज हम एक ऐसे ही कथाव्यास के बारे में जानने…

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मुजफ्फरनगर: क्या आपने कभी उस स्थान के बारे में सुना है जहां महाराज परीक्षित को मोक्ष की प्राप्ति हुई थी? उत्तर प्रदेश में स्थित शुकतीर्थ (पहले शुक्रताल के नाम से जाना जाता था) एक ऐसा ही धार्मिक स्थल है। मुजफ्फरनगर स्थित शुकतीर्थ (Shukteerth) गंगा नदी के पवित्र किनारे पर बसा शुकतीर्थ, मुजफ्फरनगर जिले से लगभग 28 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है। मान्यता है कि द्वापर युग में यहां वेद व्यास के पुत्र महर्षि शुकदेव जी ने राजा परीक्षित को श्रीमद् भागवत कथा सुनाई थी। इस कथा के ज्ञान से प्रेरित होकर राजा परीक्षित को मोक्ष की प्राप्ति हुई। पौराणिक…

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MEERUT: Have you ever heard of a place where a legendary sage meditated and a brave prince fought demons? Well, that’s exactly what Gagol Tirth in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, is all about! This sacred spot boasts a rich history and religious significance, waiting to be explored. Where Wisdom Meets Adventure Imagine a place where the wise sage Vishwamitra once performed his penance. Legend says Lord Rama and Lakshmana even visited him here! Gagol Tirth is believed to be the very ashram (hermitage) where Vishwamitra sought spiritual knowledge. This makes it a haven for pilgrims seeking blessings and peace. But Gagol…

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Muzaffarnagar News: Ever heard of a secret place where stories from old times come to life? Buckle up, because we’re going on a virtual trip to Shukratal (Shukteerth)! It’s a hidden treasure in Muzaffarnagar, India, that’s super holy and full of cool things to see. Shukratal (Shukteerth) Superhero Stories Come True! Shukratal’s name means “Land of Praises,” and it’s got a super old story behind it. Imagine a wise teacher named Shukdev Goswami telling a super important story called the Bhagavad Gita to a king named Parikshit son of Abhimanyu – right here in Shukratal, over 5,000 years ago! Pretty…

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